Blue Moon

In a rare astronomical appearance & especially rare that tonight is New Year’s Eve,  there will be a blue moon in the sky tonight. How rare you ask? How about once every 2 & 1/2 years. Doesn’t sound rare? Well it is New Year’s Eve.  It’s not actually a blue moon, it’s just referred to a blue moon because this is the second full moon this month.

On the other side of the world, they will experience a rare lunar eclipse.

So while your out partying safely tonight and you feel a sudden rush or feeling to do something weird, just blame it on the blue moon.

Happy New Years!

Bear Says…

Bear Says…

In the Gregorian calendar, it’s the 2010th year of the Common Era, or Anno Domini; the 10th year of the 3rd millennium. Or it could just be another excuse to drink and have promiscuous sex, i’m guessing you don’t need an excuse for that now, do you. That begs the question, how many people actually have one night stands on new years eve?  According to the site more than half the people surveyed have admitted to having a one night stand on new years eve, but it gets better, 48% admitted to bumping uglies with a friend on NYE. Which brings an idea to mind. Lets say you’re single and ready to rock the NYE party scene. Get together with your friends and designate an “If All Else Fails eff buddy”. That way you won’t be left out of the shenanigans. The only word of advice would be… don’t look each other in the eye when you wake up the next morning. Other than that, enjoy and have a Happy New Year!!!

Auld Lang Syne

What Are You Doing New Years Eve
Well another year has come and gone. And this song kinds sums up what everyone has been asking for the past couple of weeks or so. As for me I am going to be spending NYE with close friends locally. Well its the first time ill be celebrating it back in LA in 3 years. And also the first time that I am not djing for NYE. Well i wish every a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Goodbye 2009 and lets DRINK 2010!